Examining Genocide in the USA

Behaviors that Lead to Depopulation

  • Voyeurism
  • Pornography
  • Observation
  • Gossip

Secondary Causes

  • Drug Use
  • Forced Assimilation

Triteary Causes

  • Militarization
  • Required Participation in Militarized Breeding Programs
    • Sexual Servitude
    • Sexual Slavery
    • Sexual Bondage
    • Sexual Captivity
  • Forced Hormone Production and Processing due to prevalent or predominant behaviors by other inhabitants in a living area.

Healthy breeding for the purpose of propagation, recovering populations, or making human traits more widely available and prevalent requires consentual sexual interaction, and plentiful resources such as wide selection of living situations, abundant beverages, food, and utilities. The effort to obtain the most basic human survival requirements should be low to non existent in order to increase numbers.

Transportation is helpful but often not strictly necessary if basic resources are available and abundant without a transportation requirement. Work is often detrimental to an areas propagation requirements because work is a concept predominently isolated to Western Europe and the United States as a behavioral trait. While work is often enjoyed as a socialization activity by immigrants, it is viewed as a hostile activity when it is a requirement that is ongoing and persistent throughout a human lifetime. Perceptions of hostile activity usually reduce desires or abilities to start new families.

Sexuality throughout the world is not often aggressive, obsessive, consistent, frequent, and often; with sexual intercourse starting as early as prebubescent. Long term family health is also a consideration when deciding to start a family or to accept the fact that living conditions on Earth are not viable for gene propagation at the moment; and to decide to not have children that will experience a lifetime of depression, boredom, resource deprivation, and invasion of privacy, thought, time, and expression.

On average, humans become sexually active throughout the world around the ages of 25 to 32, outside of heavily sexualized cultures that make use of sensory stimulants such as perfumes, colognes, pornography, constantly activated sweat glands, and barely present clothing to encourage sexual interaction frequently and without inhibition.

While there is an openness to have family members engage in sexual intercourse at a  young age in order to bridge the gap between disparities in sexual culture; that young age would be during adolescence, not to be frequent and often, and with the stipulation that pregnancy will not result of sexual activities at any age, without required resource thresholds available and accounted for that will prevent suffering of future offspring or a merged genetic line. This is to include adequate living situations, food, beverages, utilities, and pass time activities which can be updated.

The average size of families throughout the world is often less than 4 kids, with 1 or 2 being average and 0 being acceptable. The government normally tasks itself with ensuring that inhabitants choosing 0 kids as a breeding option have thoroughly considered the ramifications of a reduced gene pool for the countries they live in; and with mitigating risk with the breeding population by informing them of risks their grandchildren or even children may have in finding a suitable mate with sufficient genetic diversity to reduce the likelyhood of gene deformation.

While genocide is currently viewed as violent action against a demographic group to prevent them from breeding; displacing breedable humans from an environment that is hospitable and inviting to forming new families, manipulating their environment post pregnancy to hostile and antagonizing circumstances, or subjecting them to cruel and degrading sexual interactions with the surrounding population such as aggresive and hostile sex flirtations is being viewed as a form of genocide that has implications for biosecurity throughout the entire Earth and normally originates upon first exposure to western hemisphere sexual conduct.