Dating Children

The term dating children can have multiple meanings and contexts depending on the geographical area, applicable laws, cultural norms, and acceptable behaviours.

Humans have definitive developmental stages that are not well known, or thought out in the USA. This website is not meant to disparage, insult, or be rude to the USA; but the first few articles will point out disparities in human development in a gentle, least harmful, and with a bare minimal amount of details to get conversations going in the right direction. There will be no further mention of specific geographical areas after the first few posts. The reader will have to decide for themselves if the detailed or outlined behaviours apply to them or their demographic living area.

And, whether the behaviours need changing or if the articles provide some interesting data but no changes to behaviors will be made at the current point in time or near future.

Children can be defined in various ways:

  • Adults under the age of 25-32 how have not completed their secondary development spurt.
  • Persons under the age of adulthood, normally between 16-21 in most developed nations.
  • Prebubescent persons, often around the age of 8-12, although recent changes in horme development can negate this assessment or prebubescent age.
  • Infants and toddlers, who often are able to achieve various levels of independent living including reading, writing, hygeine, and making their own food before the age of 4.
    • Many can even due math up to addition, subtraction, and some decimals and fractions.

An updated and recently added definition of a child, includes persons, at any age, who have not achieved an IQ score above a certain level, or who have not obtained a level of maturity as it pertains to lifelong risks related to behaviors and interactions with other humans or the environment. This would also need to include physical development, at least through the initial adolescent growth spurt to be able to obtain an early adulthood classification.

New definitions of adulthood also take into consideration the fact, that modern humans are likely to live to be 85 to 115 years old in the near future, and this creates issues with population density when humans breed at a young age and have multiple pregnancies throughout a lifetime. The current recommendation for children is 0-2 children between the ages of 26 and 36.

With recent developments in human growth and measurement, there are now likely three growth spurts at ages five to eight, twelve to fifteen, and twenty five to thirty two. Many people would add additional developments at ages eight to twelve and fifteen/sixteen to nineteen/twenty. At that point there is often only minor muscle growth or increases in cognitive processing, which is considered fine tuning rather than grow spurt, until the age of twenty five through twenty eight. Then the final stage of pre adult development occurs until the age of thirty two and no later than thirty five.

Note that this can vary slightly based on diet and genetic traits.

With this background information available before the topic is considered and a conversation is started, the topic can be discussed in the correct format, using the correct data, correct contexts of reality, and with the correct analysis of future implications for the human gene pool and its projected behavioral traits.

Princesses, Infants, Ninas, and Titles
Studies from royal families contain cognitive and mental health data dating back to the 1500s that were developed during the age of elightenment, age of reasoning, and during the rennaissance. The context of that time era was great philosophers and explorations in human development, the environment, and behaviors that make life on Earth pleasant; or displeasant.

In the context a prince or a princess is a child of royal monarch, and this child can be of any age; even an adult and the concern would be, from someone comfortable to speak to a monarch in a questioning tone, that the adult is still called a child. Various terms exist for other royal titles such as duchess, duke, earl, baron, or baroness. The point being that these conversations resulted in the terms nina, meaning girl, or infanta meaning infant being used for monarch children who would not obtain cognitive adulthood; for various reasons.

Amongst the lucky princes and princesses, the term crown prince or crown princess often indicates a person that is eligible to ascend to the throne upon the parents passing away into the next nether world, becoming disabled, or abidicating the throne. There are other terms of importance such as heir apparent, heir in waiting, royal suiter, or royal consort that indicate a level of adulthood in cognitive behaviors and mental health abilties, as well as physical stamina and strength.

This is were the modern term of cognitive adulthood likely originates for some people even if studies in psychology, neurology, and clinical counseling have yielded similar results recently.

Genetic Diversity

Its not always possible to date someone that is of a similar age or that is from the same gene pool as recent family members that are only slightly older due to genetic modifications, mutations, and transformations caused by RNA expression, diet, environment, and molecular composition of consumed liquids such as water or alcohol. For example, near relatives might have refrained from alcohol prior to migrating to a new area where alcohol consumption was necessary to deal with bacterias and viruses; often the changes in genetic expression might make near relatives incompatible to breed with until they’ve had the same exposure to elemental change for a significant period of time. By the time that genetic modification is complete, the family members in waiting may no longer be of breeding age.

Another data point to consider is that eventually, all humans exaust gene modification capabilities with humans in their near or immediate proximity which is why large families live in distributed demographic circles in various parts of the Earth and migrate periodically to breed with distant but still compatible family members, or near family members who have experienced different diets and environments from their own immediate family for some time. In families where gene propagation isn’t as well planned, the earth has a tendency to create famines or droughts to force migration to a new area. It is thougth, this natural earth process begins through detection of early stage adverse gene modification in burial lands.

In the second data set, there is no longer an ability to breed with near or distant family members any longer without adverse genetic expression in offspring or it is very rare for a pregancy to occur with offspring that has disireable traits for the families living area. In these cases technologies such as CRISPR have been studies which are expensive and delicate procedures, as well as in-vitro, surrigate motherhood, and forming new families or extending existing families if resources will not be too scarce. Often times, with resource allocations, forming new families from small subsets of existing families can be a better choice but this will vary from person to person.

As with other data points, the best genetic diversity may result from breeding with persons who are below a certain age, or below the normally accepted age range or in other contexts that would not normally be socially acceptable such as breeding with a person who is physically an adult and has reached adult age, but does not have adult level cognitive reasoning or who has not reached cognitive adulthood.

Disparities in Height and Measurement

Equalizing human height disparities or disparities in human proportionality may result in marriages where a large adolescent is bred with a small to petite sized adult out of neccessity because the two humans will be physically incompatible upon both of them reaching adulthood. Technically, this falls under genetic diversity but has data specific to modifications in the human gene pool for height, weight, size, and physical dimensions only and assumes other factors such as cognitive ability, mental health, and emotional control are equal or fairly consistent throughout both gene pools. One of the important data points is diet because if both persons are eating about the same then the resulting child may eat a disproportional amount of food compared to the large adults in their new family. Its often important for portions to remain proportional to height and weight and to use dieticians and nutritionists to ensure portion sizes are adequate so that the child does not suffer from an inordinate appetite or from a lifelong of starvation and malnutrition due to resource requirements.

Aging Adult Population

Gene propagation includes both behavioral traits and traits of physical appearance. Many families breed for physical appearance only, and their children are often known as designer babies. The reason they are able to do this is because society has level of assurance in providing adequate educational, and medical resources to breeding humans who have met or exceeded guidelines for health in a certain geographic area. In this sense cognitive abilities are often lumped together with behavioral traits, and life sustaining or sensory systems are either included in physical appearance or grouped into a separate category of lower priority traits that doctors may still find important to track for adverse changes.

With older adults who started families later in life, and who did this as a whole within a demographic or geographic area; its important to understand that behavioral traits include things such as obtaining sufficient economic activity for survival, being able to screen food supplies, being aware of genetic behaviors in an area as well as cultural norms, and being able to form groups that ensure basic resources in an area are not deficient for survival. Most of this falls under economic activity in the modern sense and is abstracted from detailed activities necessary to accomplish human life viability in an area. Children of older adults may end up as virtual orphans in these instances and it would be necessary for at least some adults to breed with the children in order for them to have an increased chance of survival without any harmful effects to their genetic structure.

In a historical sense, this was often approximately 30 year olds breeding with early stage adolescents and equalizing around 14 to 16 years old with the rest of the population in the geographic area waiting until normal adulthood to begin breeding and then letting nature take its course with the rest of the population. For historians and archivists that are restricted from releasing this type of information outside of an emergency environment, this method has often had excellent results.

InĀ  a modern sense, there are various factors that would be examined besides age such as cognitive abilities, neural pathways, life and sensory systems, physical dimensions and measurement, diet, exercise, mobility, sedentariness, hobbies, entertainment, interests, and leisure in determining which adults, if any, should breed with which of the willing and understanding, younger persons.

The necessity for this is often for the grandchildren to have necessary survival traits as the children are often, but not always born out of normal Earth cycles which puts them in the same situation of one day needing to breed with persons that are much younger than them.


Breeding with young adults is an area of law that can have severe repurcussions for a geographic area in the future if reasoning and data isn’t gathered and properly discussed prior to making a decision. This doesn’t necessarily have to be with persons below the age of consent to be scrutinized in the future; for example, an 18 year old breeding with a 50 to 60 year old would fall under guidelines for scrutiny and examination as the normally acceptable guidelines are 3-5 years age difference for persons under 20, 10 years age difference for adults older than 26, and up to 20 years age difference for late bloomers past the age of 30 and not to exceed the age of consent on the lower age limit. Breeding outside these guidelines usually requires analysis and documentation as to why certain decisions were made regardless of the increasing human lifespan in order to avoid adverse events in the future.

There are various studies and databases on the age of consent throughout the United States and Globally which requires referencing outside data.